Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Well, here it is -- my 500th entry in "Snippets & Wisps." Less than two years ago, I noticed I had crossed the 100-entry mark. And it has been less than 27 months since I moved my blog to blogger, and just about as long since I decided to make it a "daily" blog.

When I first started the blog, I put this in the description of the blog:

My most frequent topics are family, TV, movies, games and writing.

Now, as I examine the topics I've actually covered, I see that I predicted it pretty well: Family (21) & Father (56) certainly combine to be my most common topics, and I've certainly kept talking about movies, (58) with 36 editions of Movie Micro-Reviews (after today's publishes in an hour or so.) And, since I am a game player, I've certainly had some things to say about games (49).

Part of the reason to start the daily blogging regimen was to encourage myself to write every day, and hope that would spark some fiction writing. At times it has, but I have to say that this is one goal that I want to refocus on. And, to do it, I might have to change my blogging routine. We'll see.

In any case, I'm glad I've stuck with the blogging, and I think I'll keep it up. So, if you follow me at http://snippetsandwisps.blogspot.com/, keep coming back. If you read me on Facebook, or you've subscribed to the RSS feed, feel free to come to the blog itself if you want to read some of the past blog topics.

And now, it's time to start the next 500.

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