Monday, October 15, 2007

100 and more

This week's column by Mark Rosewater on the Magic: the Gathering website marks his 300th column by reviewing the most recent hundred. That got me to wondering "How many blog entries have I done?"

Well, blogger makes that question easy to answer. According to the count, I have actually gone over 100 since I moved my blog here.
Don't worry, I won't be reviewing them! I suppose I should go back and see if I've written anything worthy of putting in Echoes since I last posted there, but since I have so few readers, and since most of my entries are short, it's quite unnecessary to review them, I think.

One thing I wonder: I put a "label" (or more than one) on almost every entry. The Angelfire blog had a way to browse entries by labels. Does blogger allow that? I can't see a way. It would be nice, for example, if my kids could easily find the entries I've labeled "father" -- if and when they ever read my blog.

That reminds me of something. Several years back, Sherry gave me a "journal" of sorts. It was designed to be written by a father to pass thoughts down to his children. It had lots of little topics with space next to the topic to be filled in by the father. It had a Christian theme, however, and some of the first items were things I couldn't really fill in - stuff about my faith life as a child and such. Anyway, I never wrote in it, despite liking the general concept.

Anyway, I'm finding my blog serves a similar purpose. I definitely put down in the blog thoughts that I would like to pass on to my kids. Perhaps someday I will collect those thoughts and send them to the intended audience.

Unless, of course, they all start reading my blog.

Nah. I'll have to collect them.

Anyway, here's to my 104th entry, and a hope for many more.

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