Wednesday, May 30, 2007


When I try to set aside time every day to do something, I really gain an appreciation for the effort it takes to produce something meaningful and creative on a daily schedule.

I started this blog as an extension of my old one, but when I did, I decided I would try to write something every weekday. I have not quite done it, but I've been close.

Yet, it is clear that the quality of the entries varies greatly. The amount of time I have each day factors into the quality, as does the chaos clouding my mind on any given day.

So, how in the world does Jon Stewart do it every day? How does he find time to be creative enough to produce an entertaining product that lasts 23-24 minutes each and every weekday?

OK, so that's his job. That helps. And he has a writing team. That helps, too.

But beyond that, I bet he also surveys the world around him for other people doing similar things. I bet he knows what Stephen Colbert and David Letterman and the SNL "News" team are doing.

So, maybe, if I want to get more consistently good at writing a blog, I should read more blogs. Until now, I've really only read Mike's and Lucas's.

On the other hand, for the size of readership I will ever have, perhaps the quality is just right.

Something to think about.

Habits may be hard to break, but in my experience, they are even harder to intentionally start.

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