Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Who Can Write - When There's So Much To Read?

I've missed a day or two blogging recently. Yeah, work, family, sleep, weddings -- they all take time.

Also consuming my time is reading, though. I'm reading "Chindi" (the next McDevitt novel) at night, but when my attention gets taken during the day, it's by blog material or headlines. Mostly blog material. Despite my recent protestations, I still find a "must read" every day. And from those articles, I often follow links.

What am I going to do when election season is over?

Maybe start following the Vikings again? [They are so boring and mediocre and disappointing over the past few years, it's been easy to let my interest lag. Sad, sad, sad.]

Certainly, I hope to get more focused on blogging. I miss writing interesting stuff about faith, TV, quotes, games and such. Not to mention more snippets! I need to get a snippet or two flowing again.

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