Thursday, October 9, 2008

Deepsix: September's Book

Over the weekend, I finished Deepsix by Jack McDevitt. It's the second in McDevitt's universe, and still centers on Priscilla Hutchins - aka "Hutch" - a starship pilot.

In some ways, it was quite reminiscent of the first novel, Engines of God. Both books are very, very good. Mysteries to solve. Ancient civilizations and alien creatures. Science as a key. Characters at the center. And, the universe is a dangerous place.

In Deepsix, McDevitt did not telegraph character deaths quite so far in advance. That was the only thing I didn't care for in the storytelling of Engines, and McDevitt fixed it. We got to know many characters, and some of them died, but the suspense was not spoiled. Yes, I guess you now know that Hutch survived the first book, but other than that, I will not spoil a thing.

If you like fiction, you will like this, I think. If you like science fiction, it is a must read.

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