Thursday, November 10, 2011

NaBloPoMo No

I suspect that no one has noticed but ....

NaBloPoMo -- National Blog Posting Month -- is November.

I participated in writing daily blog postings each day in November in 2009 and 2010.

But not this year.

Three basic reasons:
Wild Lands Basic
  1. I have been busier this year than in previous Novembers, largely because of work.  (But I don't blog about work, at least not here in Snippets & Wisps.)  This has left me precious little time for relaxation and creativity.  Despite what it might sometimes appear, this blog does take both time and creativity. {Self-Deprecating Compliment Fishing Alert!}
  2. My creative efforts this fall have been devoted to other things, most notably a Dungeons & Dragons quest-based campaign I've been writing and running and using my cool tablet to draw maps for.  {Sentence-Ending Preposition Alert!}
  3. I truly like to blog with positivity.  There has been some less-than-positive mind-mud clogging up my creative gears of late.  When I sit down to blog, I get all serious.  Serious is not inherently bad -- some of my best Advice and Small Sermon writing is serious -- but when clogged with negaslimeocity, my "serious" comes out negative.  {Invented Word Alert!}  So rather than write negative, I choose not to write.
I ought to point out that there is one reason which is categorically not the reason I am skipping NaBloPoMo this year.

That non-reason?

Just setting the record straight.

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