Friday, November 11, 2011

Eleven Reasons to Like Today

Eleven Reasons to Like Today.
  1. It's a Friday.
  2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II is released to video today.
  3. Christmas is 44 days away.  That's 11 x 4.
  4. Immortals is released, and while it is probably inferior to 300, we can always hope.
  5. The new Adam Sandler movie (Jack and Jill, if you care) is released, and I don't have to see it, because this is a free country and as long as I'm not being held as an enemy combatant in Guantanamo Bay, it's illegal to torture me with Sandler in drag.
  6. A child born on this day will never have trouble filling out his (or her!) birthdate on one of those forms where you're just never sure if they want the month or day first.
  7. On a scale of one to ten, it's eleven!
  8. Speaking of which: "Nigel Tufnel:The numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the board, eleven, eleven, eleven and..."
  9. It's Veteran's Day.  So there you go.
  10. '10?' We don't need no stinkin' '10s.' 10 is not good enough for us in the 21st century. (Though I think it's guaranteed to be funnier than any Adam Sandler movie, ever.)
  11. Honestly now -- how does it get better than all those ones?  11/11/11!

I'm sure there are other very excellent reasons to like this day full of elevens.

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