Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I have been at this -- Snippets & Wisps blogging -- for over three years now, and this entry is number 750. It has been over a year since I reached 500. I guess that means that, at this pace, in a bit more than another year I would reach 1000.

Lately I've been thinking about why I (still) blog, contemplating if "daily" is really the right frequency, and wondering whether I should prepare for an end to this piece of work. [I have my final entry written -- it's been there for almost a year now -- but I keep scheduling it for later and later...]

It's funny, but over the past year (in particular, since NaBloPoMo ended last year) I have found it harder to keep up the daily schedule. From a purely logical point of view, this does not make sense. By some standards I have more "free time" than ever before, so time should not be an issue. And NaBloPoMo got me to blogging on topics I had not considered before, so I should have even more options than ever.

And starting today, I will have even more time to myself. Taking this as an opportunity to develop some new good habits, I want to find some constructive things to do with that time. Plus, I know I'll want to spend some of it writing to and speaking with Sherry, not writing for public consumption.

And then there's the question of what I really want out of Snippets & Wisps. It's not as if I'm like Tia, who has 2300 followers and clearly derives some income from it - and even Tia only blogs once or twice a week. Nor am I a focused blog like Letters of Note - and I certainly hope Shaun Usher makes some money out of that blog, it is so well done. Nathan Bransford is also focused, and I think uses his blog about the publishing/writing industry as part of his networking. Since I don't have as clearly defined a goal for my blog as these bloggers do, when inspiration fails me, or time gets tight, I simply no longer feel the need to publish five times a week.

All the above is meant to say that, while daily blogging has been the goal for more than three years, things are changing. I would like to reach 1000. But it might take a bit longer than another year.

For those of you still reading, thank you. It's nice to have someone on the other end of this monologue. I'm not done yet.


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