Saturday, November 7, 2009

NaBloPoMo - Like I Don't Have Enough to Do

So, last year I noticed that some of the blogs I follow decided to participate in "NaBloPoMo" which is just an amazingly silly contraction of "National Blog Posting Month." During November, participating [masochistic] bloggers promise to blog every single day of November.

I was reminded of it again on Monday, and since I had already blogged for the first two days of the month [even though I don't blog on weekends as a rule] I thought I might try it. So, it's a Saturday, and you're getting a weekend edition of "Snippets and Wisps."

I suspect I will regret the decision, but I've deluded myself into thinking it will be easier for me than for some people. Why?

  1. I already have a few ideas left from the time I was recently away and unable to blog because Beijing didn't allow it.
  2. This blog is decidedly un-focused. I talk about many, many different subjects. With a lack of focus comes the chance to broaden my subject matter. I mean, if you have to talk about politics every day, I'm sure you can, but it would be hard for me to do that. But if I can post photos one day, a book review the next, some movie micro-reviews the next, a short essay on the joys and heartaches of parenting inserted somewhere, well, then, I can probably imagine a blog entry per day.
  3. I already post every work-day that I'm not on vacation. So NaBloPoMo just adds eight weekend days, plus Thanksgiving & the Day After. That's just 10 more. And one of those extra days is behind me. How hard can that be? [Famous last words.]
  4. I do like to write. Y'know. Unless I have writer's block. Or I'm too busy at work. Or I have jet lag. Or I'm sick. But right now, only two of those apply, so what the heck.
So, we'll see if quality suffers with frequency. I have high hopes. [Delusion, I tell you.]


P.S. I hope it's not cheating to schedule the posts in advance -- writing two or three a day for a while so I can take the weekends off when I'm traveling to see Sarah or something. If it is cheating, well, bummer.

P.P.S. It was reading Tia's blog that reminded me of NaBloPoMo, so ultimately she gets the credit if this works.


Meli said...

I don't think writing your blogs ahead of time counts as cheating, at all. Wow I had to spell check that, for some reason I thought I'd misspelled "cheating". Damn this is good Chard. Well good luck with the 30 days of blogging. I usually can't get to the computer on weekends, so I don't bother. My hubby is dead tired, that's my only chance at the keyboard on a weekend. I'm reveling in it at the moment!

Peter R Stone said...

Amusing post. I've heard of NaNoWriMo, but not NaBloPoMo before. Loved your question about is it cheating to write blog entries in advance. I'd say not. When inspiration writes, write! And the blogs have the option to post date a post, so why not.
Your reasons why not to write, relate to them too.