Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Movie Micro-Reviews: Edition 47

Well, I had a few days to watch movies on my own. This edition of Micro-reviews contains that mix, which are some of the seasonal movies I mentioned, plus the movies from the recent graphic novels I've read and reviewed, plus a couple more I've been wanting to see.

Groundhog Day


Wonderful movie. It’s a concept I had never seen before I saw this, and now it’s copied with love. The message is deep, but not overbearing. And it’s so funny and sweet. I like seeing it again, and again. J

Pixar Short Films Vol 1


Fun group of shorts. I know I had seen “Geri’s Game” before (I’m sure Paul showed it to me.) I liked it again, a lot! My favorite was “knick knack.” “Mike’s Car” from the Monsters Inc people was funny. “One Man Band” was a delight.

V for Vendetta


Such atmosphere! Such a message! And “V” is one of the most memorable characters ever.

[Originally reviewed in Edition 5.]

Now that I’ve read the original, I can appreciate this movie even more. Oh sure, they modified a couple of characters, focused on one or two of the themes, pulled some of the violence to the hero – but both versions are excellent!

Mystery Men


A send-up of comic books that is a comic book at the same time. I laughed so hard at this when I first saw it, and I still laugh. The Shoveler is the best. It’s still the best thing I’ve ever seen Ben Stiller do.

But, I will admit, it’s not for everyone.

Jesus Christ Superstar


What can I say. Excellent music. Great setting. I always want to see it during Lent, and it never disappoints.

[From Edition 11]



Originally reviewed in Edition 29. Having just finished the novel, I am even more impressed. I won’t change the rating, but the original adds depth to the movie version.


I am impressed. Dark, graphic, but not as tied to the comic images as I expected from the director of “300.” I got into it. But not for the faint of heart, or those wanting a typical hero story. It’s not Dark Knight, but it’s not Fantastic Four either.

Chariots of Fire


One of the best sports movies ever, because of its portrayal of the motivations, attitudes and morals that drive excellence. Always inspiring.

“’If I can’t win, I won’t run.’ ‘If you don’t run, you can’t win.’” And “I believe God made me for a purpose. But He also made me fast.”



For many sequences, the animation disappeared. For some, it was important to know it was not real. Loved that dragon battle. Good story. Hero and Tragic Hero at the same time.

[Originally reviewed in Edition 16.]

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