Thursday, February 11, 2010

Annual Movies

Do you have any movies you see "every year?"

Or perhaps a more appropriate way to ask the question is this:

Are there times of the year when you feel like watching specific movies?

For me, the answer is "Yes."

I've mentioned a few of these before, but this past week was one of those times.

February 2: Groundhog Day. No explanation needed. Hey, it was even part of our sermon on Sunday.
March: Hoosiers. March Madness was never so pure as in Indiana in the 50's.
Lent: Jesus Christ Superstar. I should get to see this again very soon. Ash Wednesday is February 17th.
July 4: Independence Day.
July 31: Harry Potter - pretty much any Harry Potter, but the first one typically comes to mind, since his birthday is when he learns about the existence of the wizarding world. "You're a wizard, Harry."
Hallowe'en: E.T. (I know, you expected something like, well, Hallowe'en. I'm just not into that. And the Trick Or Treat sequence is quite crucial and memorable in the story.)
November 5: V for Vendetta. "Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November."
Advent & Christmas: Many. A Charlie Brown's Christmas, primarily. But also Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe.

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