Friday, October 30, 2009

In China – no Blogger or Twitter

Some of you may know, I’ve been away. Now, normally, I try to blog every work day, but you’ll have to excuse me for missing a few. I was on a trip to Japan and China. The first couple of days, I missed blogging because of jet lag. Then I was in China, and as it turns out, China doesn’t allow Blogger these days (or Twitter, not that I would have tweeted much, but some.)

If you follow the links above, you’ll see why there’s no blogger in China. It’s kind of strange – I completely recognize the lack of freedom that implies, yet while in China, I didn’t feel any different vibe – freedom-wise – that I felt in Japan. You drive, you shop, you hope not to get hit by the cars, you eat good food, you decide against McDonald’s and KFC, because, hey, you’re in a different country, but, hey again, you could have that American fare if you wanted.

So, before I go again, I should probably figure out how to blog by sending e-mail to blogger or something and see if that would work.

As long as I don’t set off some Chinese Internet Alarms when I try it. Because, as much as I liked it, I don’t want to stay there forever. Y’know, like in a cell or something.

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