Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jet Lag is WEIRD

So, I'm in Japan.

I had to fly in one plane, for twelve or thirteen hours to get here. I'm not quite sure how many because time just doesn't make sense. When I arrived, it was 5:30 AM according to my PC, but the local time in Tokyo was 7:30 PM. What time did my body think it was?

Who knows!

I was tired, but not quite as tired as I'd normally be after staying up until 5:30 AM (which I don't think I've done since, what, I was 19? Unless I did it once for a kid being born. [Adam? Don't think so. Lucas, absolutely not. Sarah - again, not possible. Leah - no.] Or for some other health-related family thing. [Lucas's surgery - possibly. Flying back from CA when Adam had his - possibly. The girls never had surgery like that, thank goodness.]

Anyway, the point is, I had gotten some fitful sleep sitting up in a crowded coach seat, so I wasn't quite as tired as I might have been. But then I went to bed at 10:30 PM local time, which would have been 8:30 AM in my normal time zone, and wonder of wonders, I actually fell asleep.

But I awoke at 3:00 AM.

And I've been up since then. Almost 15 hours now. And I need to make it another 3 or so.

And then tomorrow I have to be on a train at 7:00 AM, and then coherent enough to speak, and listen, to people a few hours later.

Time is weird enough. Add jet lag, and the weirdness multiplies.

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