Thursday, November 19, 2009

Games - Yes, I'm Still Playing

In my planning for what to write about NaBloPoMo, [which I clearly wasn't doing ahead of November] I decided I should make an attempt to post at least once during the month on each of the topics that are typical in my blog. And what does my blog heading say?

My most frequent topics are family, TV, movies, games and writing. But since I post every weekday when I'm not on vacation, I delve into other things too: religion, words, news items, quotes.

And have I written about games yet? No! [Well, technically, yes, but the kinds of game I wrote about was a spectator sport, not a game I actually play.] And, since I am a game player, I cannot have you thinking I have not been playing games, or thinking about them.

Yes, we've been running through Pikmin 2 again. Thank goodness Nintendo made it possible to play Gamecube games on the Wii, so I don't have to have two game systems set up at once. For reasons neither of us will probably ever be able to pin down completely, I like playing this game again and again, and Sherry likes watching me [and giving me advice, and reminding me what the plan was, and expressing appropriate appreciation if I dispatch a frog without loss of {Pikmin} life.]

By the time this entry hits the blog, it's likely I will have completed the game again, and it's looking like I might even beat my old record for the fewest "days" that Captain Olimar, Louie, and The Boss required to complete their treasure hunting and return to planet Hocotate. [Yep, it happened. We completed the game in 16 "days" on 11/18/09 - setting many personal records. What fun!]

I bought Civilization IV in March, and it's been a near-constant source of joy [and temptation] ever since. The Civilization series of games, along with the Heroes of Might and Magic games, are the kings of JOMT -- Just One More Turn. Once I start playing a game, it is hard to do anything else with my TV time than advance my civilization and [usually] conquer the misguided civilizations who share the world with me.

Well, in September, I started a game, but the barbarians were just too much, and I gave up. I decided I would put the game away for a while. I did. For a month. Then, in early October, I started a new game. It was a source of some good diversion on my trip to Japan and China, but I have not finished the game. Thus, it has been sneaking into my TV time again.

Once upon a time, Mike bought me Marvel Ultimate Alliance. [What a guy! What a friend!] I had such fun with that! I played through it on my own, but the most fun was playing it in groups. The boys and I played through it twice, and I'm pretty sure "The Dudes" and I played through twice as well. We certainly played through it once.

So, when Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 came out, I had to have it. I've recently played with the boys [all three, now that Troy is among that group] and with "The Dudes" as well. None of us have finished it yet, but we are enjoying it just as much as we did the first game. For cooperative game play, it even beats Diablo II, in my book. It's very similar, in fact, to Diablo II in format, but we're superheroes, not fantasy characters. And the advancement, though similar, is more flexible. [You can choose to remove advances from one power to shift it to a new power, if you want.] Plus, there are special powers that are only available as combinations of powers from two heroes. Quite cool! [At the moment, Lucas is playing as Gambit, Adam is Spiderman, I have moved from Captain America to Iceman to Jean Grey and now to The Thing, and Troy joined in as The Human Torch. The screen is awash with mayhem and the flash of super-powers!]

Though I haven't played it much recently, I did play some Magic: Online last month. And more importantly, I gave Troy some real Magic: the Gathering cards so that he will be able to build decks of his own for playing this holiday season [which begins very soon, since he and Sarah will be with us over Thanksgiving.]

I doubt that's even a complete list, but certainly those are the four games that have been most on the forefront of my mind lately.

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