Friday, November 20, 2009

Weekend! Plays, Family, Guests, Football!

At the end of this weekend, I should be tired and happy.

Tonight: Dinner with sister Deb & her family, and then we get to see nephew Walter in "Romeo and Juliet!"

Tomorrow: We get to see brother-in-law Ross in "Don't Hug Me Christmas Carol" and then host some new friends for dinner [Thanks for cooking, Sherry! How can I help?]

Sunday: I'll attend another Vikings game -- with son Lucas, Dad & Mom this time. And I think I'll see brother Eric, as well!

Then home for a movie or something with Sherry.

Now that is a weekend!

Let's get to it!

[P.S. This is a bonus entry. For NaBloPoMo we are supposed to write 30 posts in 30 days, but I just had to start my "Favorite Foto Fridays" and I still wanted to exclaim about my upcoming weekend, because it promises to be so cool. So today, I do two. 31 posts in 30 days. I'm exceeding expectations, not breaking any rules!]

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