Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas, 2012

Merry Christmas from Sherry, Steve & our family!                                        December 2012

Sherry is in her final year at the University of Minnesota, College of Design, studying Apparel Design.  As her senior project, Sherry created a line of clothes for professional women, and it will be part of the school’s fashion show in February.  She has created many wonderful designs while there, including a dress made of wood, which won a place in a fashion educator’s conference in Hawaii. When she graduates in May, we will return to living full-time in Rochester, after splitting time between home and a studio apartment in St. Paul.

Steve’s still at IBM, traveling more than ever.  This past year, Steve & Sherry celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary in Vienna, Austria, where Steve was speaking at a conference.  Then they took another few days to enjoy the area around Munich, Germany.  It was a trip full of beautiful sights and wonderful memories.

Adam & Marisa continue to live and work in Rochester: Adam at the Rochester Center for Autism and Marisa at the Mayo Clinic as a Spanish interpreter.  They are very excited to be expecting a son to be born in April.  Steve & Sherry are super excited, too!

Lucas also lives in Rochester.  He now works for CWS, a small technology company which does web sites for businesses. He’s been busy with work his company does for Mayo Clinic.

Sarah & Troy are in “The Cities”- they bought a house in Brooklyn Park.  Sarah is a junior high math teacher, and is beginning her work on a Master’s Degree at Concordia, St. Paul.  Troy works at the same school as Sarah.  It’s a great situation for both.

Leah graduated from New York University with a BFA degree in Acting.  While she spent the fall working in “The Cities” as a daycare provider (and living with Sarah & Troy), in January she is moving back to New York to work in theater.

We all wish you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas, and a joyous New Year!    
 Steve & Sherry

2010 Christmas Setting 1

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