Friday, December 21, 2012

Favorite (Vacation) Foto Friday - Christmas

Christmas greetings to one and all.

If you think I've been absent from my blog lately, you're right.  It's the way this blog works.  I try to post daily during the year -- except when I am on vacation from work.  Oh, I will still post when I feel the need, but usually, I take time off from my daily posting when I am relaxing and seeing friends and family.  This means you can expect regular updates to begin again after 2013 begins.

I do have a post scheduled for 12/31/12 -- my now-annual "Year Of" post.

And I decided I could not let the Winter Solstice pass without reprinting one of my Favorite Foto Friday Christmas favorites.

Have an excellent holiday season to all of you, and Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it!

Christmas  Centerpiece

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