Monday, August 20, 2012

"Stargate: Universe" - A Satisfying End

Last night, I finally finished watching "Stargate: Universe."  I blogged about the show when we started watching it in 2009, and then again when the second season started in 2010.  However, due to schedule conflicts (and the fact that I am still denying myself the glory which is Digital Video Recording) I saw very little of that second season.

However, when Season 2 came out on DVD, I bought it, knowing that I would get a chance to see it at some point. 

Sherry and Leah had both seen the entire series.  They assured me that, unlike other shows (in their opinion) this show had a very good ending, preceded by some excellent shows. 

They were right.

Of course, it makes me a little sad that the show was cancelled. They were really starting to come into their own with characters and story mixing very well.  But I truly appreciate that the creators took advantage of the knowledge that the show was going to end -- they gave us a storyline to wrap up the series which was emotionally and dramatically satisfying.

While I am on record as having liked the end of Lost and Battlestar Galactica, I will admit that the end of Stargate: Universe was more clearly "closed" without being predictable.  Our heroes had to use science, and reason, and courage as they approached and dealt with the final challenges placed before them in the last few stories.  They did it well.

So long, SG:U.  I'll miss you.

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