Friday, August 24, 2012

Favorite Foto Friday - Puffball

Yesterday, while walking around our woods, Sherry found a couple of puffball mushrooms.  When we first moved in, we'd see these very large white balls in the woods, and we soon discovered they were a kind of mushroom.  In recent years, we haven't seen them very often, and they have been small.  But for some reason, this year two of them grew -- and to a notable size.

This first shot shows one of them.


The second shot includes Sherry's hand in the photo for some size perspective.  The puffball is about the size of a volleyball.


Oh, that other thing? Well, see, Leah spent part of the summer in Ireland, and it turns out she discovered how to summon leprechauns. So until she officially moves out, we have one living with us. He's quite friendly. And he likes mushrooms.

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