Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sci-Fi Tuesday -- or should that be SyFy

Once upon a time, the Sci-Fi channel (since renamed to the SyFy channel to allow branding) had "Sci-Fi Friday." This was a boon to those of us who love well-made science fiction shows. Over the years, the mainstays of that night of TV went away. They have since been replaced by less serious sci-fan (science fantasy), which is fun in its own way, but not the same serious fare that used to grace Friday nights.

Last night was the first full night of the replacement for serious science fiction fare. The second episode of the second season of Stargate: Universe, and the first episode of the second season of Caprica, a Battlestar Galactica prequel series.
I have blogged about Stargate: Universe before, and I am happy it has returned. I think we missed an episode or two, or else the long, long break after the end of the first season allowed major facts to seep out of my memory. Nevertheless, the serious nature of the storylines is still there, along with the seemingly impossible situations and the conflict that really ought to accompany being stranded so far from home with people who never intended to be stuck together.

Caprica had an excellent mini-series beginning, but seemed to wander a bit in Season 1. Yet, by the time the first season wrapped, they had found a very intriguing way to introduce the creation of the cylons, complete with virtual reality and the search for artificial intelligence. We saw a "Battlestar-esque" universe with flawed humans trying to make good decisions, but hindered by standard pride and prejudice issues which plague humanity of all times and places.

Tuesday nights are now well worth my viewing time. Though I do appreciate the fact that these episodes are also available OnDemand and on-line. I don't want other responsibilities in life to cause me to miss them.

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