Monday, March 5, 2012

Improvation and Relaxification

I mentioned that I got myself a new laptop.

In the month since, I have spent some time improvating [1] it to a point where it is useful.  And by "useful" I mean:

  • I got our financial information off the old computer and onto the new so I can pay bills, balance banking accounts, and keep track of college payments.  Bo-Ring.  But necessary.
  • I installed drivers and configurated[1] the silly Windows 7 interface to allow myself to print to our wireless printer.  Also pretty boring, except I had never done that to my work laptop, so it is nice to have a wireless printing capability from the comfort of my La-Z-Boy.
  • I installed DM Genie, and transferred both campaigns to it.  Very, very cool.
  • I installed my excellent electronic toy, the Bamboo Fun tablet I bought so I could draw more maps and such for Dungeons and Dragons.
  • I installed enough games to give me something to do while winding down at the end of the day: Ticket to Ride: Online, mostly.
But, in that month, I had not yet taken the time to do the most important step in relaxifying[1] my new laptop.  I did that this weekend:

  • I installed Civilization IV: Gold Edition
And thus was a weekend enhancerated.[1]  Sherry has way more work to do than she can get done during a school week, so she has been doing hours and hours of homework each weekend.  Quiet helps her.  Mom and Dad (currently staying with us for recuperative[1] purposes) have their quiet things to do.

Ah yes.  It was excellent.  Having Civ IV on my laptop allowed me to enjoy hours of "America takes over the world" diversosity. [1]


 [1] I have "Wicked" on the brain today, so many of my verbs, adverbs, nouns and adjectives are being influenced by the coinification[1] which takes place in that musical. Plus, "The Lorax" is being released, and Dr. Seuss's birthday was this week. It's no wonder convergosity[1] is taking place in my wordifying.[1]  But one of the words I have labeled with this superscript is, in fact, not invented.  Do you know which one?

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