Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Grandpa's Reading List

I was talking with a friend today.   He and his family saw "The Lorax" this past weekend (thumbs up from him, so that's good.)  And that got us talking about kids books which had been turned into film -- which had been good which had not.  And then I said:

"I can't wait to read The Cat in the Hat to my granddaughter."

... and wow.  It hit me again.

I will get to read to my grandchildren! 


Things like Green Eggs and Ham.

And some stories from the books we got with that single set of encyclopedias I bought when we couldn't afford it. 

The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  "Who goes trip, Trop, TRAMP, trip, Trop, TRAMP, trip, Trop, TRAMP over my bridge!"

And the "ABCs"

"X for exit, off, away.  That's enough for us today.
Y for you take one last look.
Z for zero. Close. The. Book."

I am getting pretty darn excited.

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