Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Recreating the Adam/Leah photo

If you will recall, a couple of weeks ago I posted that I hoped Adam and Leah would re-create a photo we took of them in San Francisco many years ago.  Well, they did it.  Here are two versions of the re-creation (the first is better lit, the second shows the Ghirardelli sign better)

Adam & Leah Recreate Ghirardelli Photo

Adam & Leah Recreate Ghirardelli Photo

Now it's time to look at the original photo again.  You'll notice a big difference.

Adam carries Leah in San Francisco

No, not just in the size of the people.  The original was not taken at Ghirardelli Square.  Yet, in my mind, I had this photo connected to that famous San Francisco landmark.

Memory is strange.

So are fathers obsessed with re-creating photos.  So, thanks, kids, for agreeing.

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