Monday, July 4, 2011

Movie Micro-Reviews - Edition 72

Super 8
Fun ride. Kids acted like kids – and Elle Fanning is excellent -- again. Scares, thrills, effects.  Will I own it?  Maybe.  Sure enjoyed it.
Never Let Me Go
I like sci-fi of all forms.  This one is like a good cautionary tale story – almost no need for effects. The ideas and the characters are the important things.
It’s Kind of a Funny Story
A 16-year-old boy checks himself into an adult psych ward rather than resort to suicide. There is a good story here.  The acting and directing were realistic.  Recommended.
Complex, mystifying, excellent.  I expect I will see it several more times.  Will I change my mind about the end?  Depends on how much I think Nolan cares about Point of View…
Going the Distance
Funny, but highly sexual humor.  Justin Long plays a nice guy so well.  Long-distance relationships in the modern age.  Like most romantic comedies, not an “own” movie for me.  Unlike most current romantic comedies,  I believed the main characters.
Dark Knight
A triumph!  Joker was maniacal and diabolical.  Harvey spent long enough as a good guy that we felt bad for his transformation.  Bale was able to be Batman, and Batman was the hero Gotham really needed.  So many things were perfect there’s one word that applies:  Brilliant!

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