Tuesday, April 26, 2011

NFL Who?

Most years, by the end of April, I am really getting anxious to start following football again.

This year, with the labor dispute going on, most of the "news" about the NFL consists of writers who make up puns for their headlines trying to pretend they understand injunctions and mediation and court appeals.  The upcoming draft would mean something if there were no labor dispute, but it's hard to get excited about the draft when we have absolutely no idea what free agents we might be able to sign.  Oh, yeah, and then there's the little fact that the Vikings stunk up the 2010 season.  And we don't have a stadium.  And probably won't.

I will just have to fill my head with other uniform-induced partiality. 

If only the Twins were doing better...

No, seriously, it's Twins time -- hurt and down in the standings or not -- and they are getting even more of my attention this year, now that the NFL has zero interest for me.

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