Monday, April 25, 2011

Just One More Turn --- or Back Off the Wagon - Reprint

[This post might happen, or it might not.  I initially planned to repost this while I was in Prague, but I posted photos of Prague instead.  So if you're seeing it, I pushed it back to another day when I thought I would be too busy to post.  Thus, you get a reprint from August 16, 2007.  And besides, I have started playing Civ IV again, so that's part of why I'm too busy.]


Just One More Turn --- or Back Off the Wagon

I finished my most recent game of Civilization III Complete in April. Since then, I had not put the CD into a computer. I decided to take a break, because the game is so addictive! It's so easy to convince myself I can just take one more turn, or just play until the Pyramids are complete, or until I finally have access to horses, or whatever. And then, lo and behold, it's four hours later and I'm going to bed too late.

So, for four months, I went without Civ III. But last night, while everyone was watching Harry Potter 4, I decided I'd be better off playing Civ III than spending $20 to play Magic: Online.

And now, it's started again. I want to play Just One More Turn!

Yet, I know, it's not going anywhere. I could take a break for days or weeks (theoretically) and the game would still be there, in exactly the same spot, when I picked it up again.

Somehow, it still feels like the game is going on without me, and I'm missing something!

Definitely a great game. Definitely addictive.

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