Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Movie Micro-Reviews: Edition 63 - Vacation Part 1

Well, as one might expect of me, I saw quite a few movies over the long vacation. So, I will break the micro-reviews into two blogs. But we'll kick it off with a few pre-vacation movies, too. One of which I wish I hadn't wasted time on. And another close to that.

Revenge of the Nerds


Waste of time, except for a couple of very brief scenes. No, not those. Timothy Busfield was funny when stoned, and funny again in the best scene, while performing the musical number. The pacing was so slow.

Charlie Brown Christmas (A)


Excellence in every way. “Sure, Charlie Brown. I can tell you what Christmas is all about. Lights please.”

White Christmas


Sweet. Great music. Visually clean. I like it a lot. And I do like Danny Kaye, in anything.



Lovely. The documentary follows four babies from birth to the point of taking their first steps. Namibia, Tokyo, Mongolia, San Francisco. Enough differences to make it interesting, but a baby’s life is very much the same, anywhere. Filming with a low baby-level focus was important and instructive.

Up in the Air


It was half what I expected, and half more. Sure, it’s about a guy who travels all the time, and has a job firing people. But then, it’s something else. Very glad I saw it.



Still some funny stuff when Bill Murray, Chevy Chase or Ted Knight are on the screen. The teenager story, though – not worth it.

Star Wars


Simply the best.

Yeah, I know I just watched it. But Leah was assigned to see it for a course she has on mythology. Could I not watch it again?

A Knight’s Tale


I loved the “knights as pop stars/athletes” and the mixing of modern with medieval. And the story is stirring and fun, if completely impossible. Chaucer almost steals the show.

[Reviewed way back in first edition of micro-reviews.]



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