Sunday, June 24, 2007

Latest Micro-reviews

A Sunday post, just to put down my thoughts on a couple movies I've seen lately. And a few I somehow missed reviewing before....

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer


A Super-Sized issue. It was only 90 minutes long, but it didn’t feel too short. The effects were good, the story very comic-book. OK, the Surfer didn’t get to philosophize and pontificate, but he was mysterious. And they did the right thing with the Galactus visuals.

Fantastic Four


For an origin story, it’s middle-of-the road. But it shows promise. Good effects. I liked it.

A Knight’s Tale


I loved the “knights as pop stars/athletes” and the mixing of modern with medieval. And the story is stirring and fun, if completely impossible. Chaucer almost steals the show.

Deep Impact


Two movies in the same year with the same premise. This one is much deeper than “Armageddon” – the acting is better, and the situations more realistic. And we all wish Morgan Freeman could be our President – if he’s not too busy being God. J

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


An excellent story, and they told the best parts of it, and did it well! These young actors are growing into their roles, and the fantasy continues to grow. The dementors were scary! Lupin was wonderful. And Gary Oldman as Sirius? Perfect!

The Princess Bride


Sweet! Funny! And (I know now) based on some history. Really? Wow. So many quotable lines!

The ones we watched within the past few days are FF2, Harry Potter 3, The Princess Bride, and A Knight's Tale.

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