Saturday, November 6, 2010

NaBloPoMo - What Should I Write About? Really. I Am Asking.

Well, it's that time again. Last year I discovered the silliness that is "National Blog Posting Month" and I took on the challenge of increasing my posting frequency slightly to have a "Snippets & Wisps" blog update every single day. It went pretty well. So, with November starting on a Monday this year (thank you, November, you made it easy {And besides, I had a new edition of Movie Micro-Reviews scheduled for publication.}) I was able to notice that NaBloPoMo had started without already being too late.

This year, we even get this cool little flying typewriter logo. Which, of course, is so anachronistic that one might laugh. I mean, how many of today's bloggers have ever actually used a typewriter? Let alone a non-electric like this? Let alone one with wings! [But I like it. I really do. It's iconic. And I'm old enough to have used one like this. {OK, without the wings.}]

So, how am I going to find topics for a whole month?

I guess I will have to talk about gaming and family and movies and books and ..... wait, that's what I do already.

Hey, maybe I will even resurrect "Things I've Never Done."

And I think NaBloPoMo rules allow weekend posting of "easy" blogs, like links and YouTube videos and such. [As if I wouldn't have done it anyway. Though I might not. No promises! {Honestly, my "new normal" life should leave me enough time to post quite a bit.}] I even had a strange desire to post on political topics for a week. [But I think I've gotten over that.]

However, I want to try something a little bit new. I don't have many people follow my blog on the Google/Blogger site, but quite a few see it on Facebook. And since I have also registered as a NaBloPoMo blog, I might get a few more people sampling this eclectic mix of musings. So, as your humble host, I ask you [yes, you!]

What should I write about?

I will be happy to try a few topics suggested by readers, whether via comments on the blog, or in comments left by Facebook readers, or in e-mail if you're really shy.

If I get zero responses, I will still blog. [Sorry, you can't make me stop by ignoring me. If that were possible, I'd have stopped by now.] If I get hundreds I will be shocked beyond belief I will enjoy my unexpected popularity deal with that problem in a mature and humble manner.

So, now it's your turn.

What should I write about?

1 comment:

Michael Hacker said...

Nablopomo sounds vaguely ... dirty