Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Memory - Photographic Proof

Another memory-related post today. [Memory fascinates me.] And this time, it's thanks to a photograph, rather than a TV show. Here it is.

Tucked in and Smiling

Cute boys, no?

Well, certainly. And when I uploaded this photo, that's what I noticed.

And when I was looking through my Flickr photos again to decide if I should use this as a Favorite Foto Friday photo, I also noticed the bed in which they lie. Sherry and I built that bed.

And now, on the third look, I see what many people probably notice right away. The Star Wars wallpaper.

Really? Did their room have Star Wars wallpaper? I asked Sherry. She didn't remember it either. But there it is.

When we bought that first house, I'll bet we thought it was cool that there was Star Wars wallpaper in the room which was to become Adam's (and later Adam & Lucas's when Sarah came along.) But now, 25 years later, we didn't remember it at all. Good thing we had a photo to remind us, eh? Because sometimes, that's what it takes. These memories of ours are remarkable, but they let things go. [Good thing, or we all would suffer as Jill Price does.] Still, I'm quite surprised by some of the things I have forgotten. Star Wars was my all-time favorite movie for years, and certainly when we bought the first house. Adam was my first-born son. [By this time, he had seen The Empire Strikes Back. {More than once, I think.}] And I didn't remember this feature of his room.

I think I will remember now.

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