Monday, June 28, 2010

Movie Micro-Reviews: Edition 54

Door to Door


Though made for TV, it did not look like it. Macy was wonderful. The story (based on a real life) was inspiring and real.

Alice in Wonderland


Visuals, awesome. Story, fragmented. Acting, uneven. Depp, perfect. Wasikowska (Alice), very good. Carter, bland. Hathaway, eerie. Lucas (the Tweedles), entertaining.



A very good movie. Not quite up to “Gran Torino” (from Eastwood also) for drama, but very good material, and Freeman was excellent as Mandela.

Left Behind


I’ve always been intrigued by the concept, and I hear the book is pretty compelling. The movie, however, is a dud.

New Moon (Twilight Saga)


As with “Twilight” there were some decent ideas, but gosh most of the acting was wooden, and the pacing was slow. The Cullen family looks cool. The Native American werewolves were interesting-esque. Belle? Gag!



Wonderful music. Touching story. While the singing isn’t perfect, the acting is quite good, so I always enjoy it. (If you just want the music, though, go for the stage version – Julie Andrews!)

A Knight’s Tale


I loved the “knights as pop stars/athletes” and the mixing of modern with medieval. And the story is stirring and fun, if completely impossible. Chaucer almost steals the show.

[Initially reviewed way back in Edition 1 of the Movie Micro-Reviews! That was a long time ago!]

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