Thursday, May 27, 2010

Super Mario Galaxy, Too

Sunday, May 23 was a very important day in my house. We attended my nephew's confirmation in the morning, had a really nice lunch afterward, took a look at apartments near the St. Paul campus of the U, but there was one very big event that day.

Lost: The End.

But that was not all! Oh, no!

Nintendo also released Super Mario Galaxy 2! Sherry and I loved the original game. And we played it through three times. We've now started SM-G2, and we are just as happy with it. In fact, it has surpassed the first in some ways already. The original allowed a second player to participate as the primary player controlled Mario through the gravity-driven puzzles and battles, and the sequel has given player 2 even more to do, gathering resources and attacking monsters. This makes it a particularly great game for a couple to play. In other words, perfect for us.

We're not 20% done yet, and we are already addicted. And smiling about it!

Well done!

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