Wednesday, February 10, 2010

TIND - APNW - Own a Dog

Back in November, I wrote an initial blog introducing the topic: Things I've Never Done.

As I mentioned then, there are several categories of Things I've Never Done (TIND) -- today I will talk about one TIND - And Probably Never Will.

Own a Dog

Somewhere in my past, and I don't even remember it, I was conditioned to have a fear of dogs. The fear increases with the size of the dog, but even a small dog makes me draw back. At the level of intellect, I know I don't have anything to fear from most dogs, but at a subconscious level, I withdraw. I know what I'm supposed to do -- reach down my hand, scartch by their ears, smile. Sometimes I can fake it. Not often, though. A rare few can get me to enjoy their presence, if they don't force themselves on me. [Molly, since she hangs with Mike. Connie & Brian's dog, whose name escapes me. See, I don't forget children's names. But dogs'? Yep.]

Still, after years of avoiding dogs, I've gotten quite used to having a house that doesn't have the smell of dog, the scratches of dog "toenails" [they are claws, people], the mess of dog hair. So even though we see stories on the local news every year about elderly people being gladdened by visits with exuberant, obedient dogs, I just don't think that will be me.

I am not criticizing dog ownership, nor dog owners. It's a preference thing.

I do understand that other people see dogs as family members. I get that. They can be very faithful, uplifting pets. I like the idea of dog ownership. I think having a reason to go walking once or twice a day would be good for me. It certainly appears that, when everyone in the world is against you, your dog never is. That seems like a good thing.

But me? Smelling that breath? Picking up their mess? Paying good money to keep them healthy?

Not gonna happen.

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