Thursday, December 17, 2009

Too Much To Write, Too Little Time

Ah, faithful readers, here's the situation.

Vacation starts tomorrow after I leave work! [You may begin envying me, congratulating me, or wondering why I'd save two weeks of vacation for the time of year when I can't golf -- whichever you prefer.]

Among other things, vacation marks the time when I don't blog regularly. [From my blog's prolog: "I post every weekday when I'm not on vacation."] So, for tomorrow, I have a last-blog-before-vacation already written. [I'm very happy with it, so I hope you enjoy it.] This means that today's blog is really the last one I will be certain to write before 2010. [OK, except that I also have a blog ready for 12/31 entitled "2009 - The Year Of ..." I like that one, too. {I like my own writing way too much for my own good. It's part of my high self-esteem issues. (And I am falling into my hyper-parenthetical habit again, sorry.)}]

But I have so many topics I'd like to write about!

  • Over the past month, I've finished a Great Course about the Old Testament. I learned quite a bit from that course, but I've only mentioned it briefly once. Gotta write about that sometime. If for no other reason than to solidify in my head some of the key points.
  • And I am well into the next Great Course, about the New Testament. The things I have heard about the differences in the Gospels, about the various sources for the Gospels, about how scholars investigate "The Historical Jesus" and so on -- these deserve comment.
  • I've been listening to lots of Christmas music, of course, and I've had several thoughts about the place it holds in our various personal histories. Yesterday, in fact, I was riding with Patrick. He wanted to know what music I'd like to hear from his iPod as we drove. I suggested Christmas music and he had a series of four albums -- 100 Christmas Songs. After 40 minutes of driving, I heard only one arrangement I had heard before. In any case, I could probably write a long entry on this topic.
  • "I know, right?" This phrase is coming into its own, and I really like it. It's funny, because in a blog from last summer, I wrote about how "I know" can be somewhat off-putting as a response. But not this! The way the girls (and others -- I've heard quite a few 18-20-somethings say it) use the phrase, it's a nice little agreement phrase. I smile. It's cute.
  • And then I have a batch of Movie Micro-Reviews to post. If I save them for the New Year, I will probably have a much longer list.
  • Oh, and I met someone at a party who blogs daily (pretty much) and has been doing it for five years! I think finding her blog and linking to it would be fun, as would commenting on our discussion.
  • And then there's this recent obsession with the Facebook game called "The Warlords." Yikes. I wonder if I'll even still be hooked on it by the time I blog next year.
  • I also have a few snippets running around in my head. [It's quite crowded there in my head, with all these ideas trying to avoid the snippets, but somehow rubbing up against them and influencing their paths.]
  • And we've stopped being a two-person household for the next few weeks -- the population in our house is going to expand dramatically. I'm certain there's a blog or two in that topic!
  • I must also write about Fiction or Non-Fiction. I must!

But not today. And probably not before 2010 arrives.

So, if I get a bit quiet over the next few weeks, forgive me. It's vacation! And I will definitely have things to write about when I return.

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