Monday, July 20, 2009

I Know; You're Right.

I know a few people (or a dozen, or more) who have a habit that negatively affects how people interact with them. What is the habit?

They say "I know" too much. [1]

"Bill is coming over tonight." "I know."
"Watering plants in the sunroom needs to be done every other day." "I know."

The "I know" response focuses the attention on the person saying it. He can appear as if he is saying "You didn't need to tell me" or "You're wasting my time." It might even give a "know-it-all" impression.

Yet, I bet most of the time, it's just being said to confirm that the comment was heard, understood and agreed with.

In that case, may I humbly recommend that "I know" be replaced with "You're right."

Now the person receiving the response still understands that the listener heard, understood and agrees -- but also is giving credit to the initiator of the comment. It's affirming the statement and the person who made it.

Other phrases which are possible (though not as complimentary) are "OK," "Sure," "That's true," "I agree," "Gotcha," or a simple nod of the head.

The point is to get the focus off of the fact that the respondent already knows something, and onto the agreement - preferably while making the other person feel good about the conversation.

So there it is. My advice for the week. What do you think?

[You already knew it. I know.]

[1]OK. I might resemble that remark.

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