Friday, November 20, 2009

Favorite Foto Friday

Halfdome I find that I post photos more often on Fridays than on any other day. So perhaps this should become a recurring theme. [Not a rule! I won't be bound by rules! {In my blog at least.}]

So, I will begin the tradition with this photo, taken during the 2005 trip to Yosemite National Park. We had hiked/climbed to the top of Halfdome two days before I took this photo. Leah had taken essentially the same shot earlier in the day [great eye, Leah!] but the sun was not lighting the face of Halfdome at the time, so I re-shot it.

It was a wonderful trip, and I have many more great shots from that adventure. It's hard to take a bad photograph in Yosemite. It's probably the most beautiful place I've ever been.

1 comment:

Brandon Barr said...

That's really a nice shot!