Monday, November 16, 2009

Movie Micro-Reviews: Edition 41

Another edition, since I've seen quite a few movies in the past month....

Fever Pitch


Pretty much exactly what you’d expect from the trailers. OK, except that the Fallon character was a lot more normal during non-Red Sox season than you might think. Anyway, predictable, but OK for a diversion.

Star Trek


Initially reviewed in Edition 32.

A thrill-ride. By the time we were 30 minutes in, I was already convinced I want to see more of this cast in these characters. Yes, it’s a re-visioning of the characters. But it fits. It’s great fun!

(On a plane from Hong Kong to Tokyo.)

X-Men Origins: Wolverine


Initially reviewed in Edition 32.

Very fun, and since I didn’t know most of the story ahead of time, I got to be surprised. “The best X-Men movie?” Not quite. But very good.

(And Blu-Ray #2 for me.)

Lion in Winter


Talk about dysfunctional royal families! I liked it more than I expected, to be honest, but I still didn’t follow all the intrigue or motivations. Still, very good acting, especially in the principal roles – Patrick Stewart and Glenn Close.

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