Friday, May 22, 2009

Movie Micro-Reviews: Edition 32

We've seen the three most recent "big movies" of the spring, so it's time for a micro-review which includes them.



Definitely worth a viewing. Yes, they changed the story from the real thing to make it Hollywood, but it’s still fun, and the core of it is there. No corporation, but oh well. Very intriguing.

Curious Case of Benjamin Button (The)


This is speculative fiction couched in mainstream romance. Amazing job of make-up and effects. Story was intriguing. Imagine having the wisdom of age without the experience. P.S. Imagine the two loves of your life being Jadis and Galadriel. J

X-Men Origins: Wolverine


Very fun, and since I didn’t know most of the story ahead of time, I got to be surprised. “The best X-Men movie?” Not quite. But very good.

Star Trek


A thrill-ride. By the time we were 30 minutes in, I was already convinced I want to see more of this cast in these characters. Yes, it’s a re-visioning of the characters. But it fits. It’s great fun! [And it might be the movie that pushes me to buy Blu-Ray. It just might!]

Star Wars: the Clone Wars


OK, the animation was good. But that doesn’t make it good enough. Action is not enough if you don’t care about the characters, or believe there’s any real danger. Saw it once. That’s enough.

Angels & Demons


Pretty darn good. Wonderful setting. Interesting sci-fi idea, and it fit well with the “Science and Religion” course I’m listening to. Not as good as “DaVinci Code” but worth seeing, for sure.

I almost waited until we'd seen the new Terminator movie, but with Sarah's graduation this weekend, and Leah's graduation party next weekend, who knows when we'll see John Connor.

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