Thursday, October 1, 2009

Surprising Set

Friday, October 2, 2009 the Zendikar set is released.

What am I talking about?

Well, I don't really know.

OK, I do know something. That is, I know it's the latest "Magic: the Gathering" set. {And I know what that game is, which you'll also know if you've read my blog for long. But if not, well, it's one of my favorite games of all time.}

But I haven't seen any of the previews that have been shown at the M:tG site, and I'm quite curious, because the places that are selling it are charging about $30 more per box if I order online. And, strangely, there are far fewer sellers than I've seen in the past.

So, for this set, I'm really going to miss Jimmy Jam's. At these prices, I would have been happy to buy a couple of boxes from a local game store, if only we had one.

In fact, I will be in Cedar Rapids this weekend, and I have already scouted out a local game store. I just might buy some boxes while I'm there. Pretty exciting for a player/collector.

And if you aren't one, well, just believe me.

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