Thursday, October 29, 2009

In Japan – I talk too fast

(I know, I don’t blog about work. And this comes dangerously close to crossing the line, [OK, so maybe, technically, it crosses the line.] but bear with me – it won’t sound like it’s work related.)

I spoke at a conference in Japan while I was there, and it was the first time I had ever experienced simultaneous translation [Or is it interpretation? I think it is. Marisa has explained it before.] There was a team of three interpreters sitting in a closed room at the back of the auditorium, trying very hard to keep up with me as I spoke on technical topics. Now, realize first that I got the opportunity to give the same presentation twice, and even the first time, I knew I was supposed to talk slowly. I tried. And I tried positioning myself quite a ways away from my laptop so when I moved from one chart to the next, I had to take a short break to walk back and advance the slide – this was to give the interpreters a chance to catch up.

Well, after the first session, two of my interpreters told me I should slow down. I didn’t see the third – and I’m glad. I don’t know how I could have handled 3 for 3. Anyway, for the second session, I slowed down.

And when I finished, one of my Japanese hosts (not an interpreter) said to me “You seemed tired up there.”

Well, thanks a bunch!

It turns out, if you’ve ever heard me speak, that I talk pretty fast. And, in particular, when I’m excited, or trying to express passion, I talk fast. It’s sort of a Harold Hill thing. I can bring you along with me, following my lure as I draw you closer, if you understand what I am saying!

So, before I do this again, I have to work on a slower, intense, energetic delivery.

Isn’t it nice to know there’s always something you can improve?

[Nah. I’d rather be perfect. At everything. Can we arrange that?]

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