Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Here Comes the Blog

Faithful readers -

I've been off in what we used to call The Orient (and don't you think we still should? Far East just doesn't sound as flavorful.) In fact, I am sitting in a hotel in Hong Kong as I write this, so my orient-ing is not quite done.

Anyway (This blogger I read named Tia would say anyhoodle but that is way too young and feminine for me. [Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just not me.])

I've written some blog entries while I've been away, and so I'm about to schedule them to appear over the next several days. Most of them have to do with observations from my travels. I don't think there is a single snippet, wisp, or movie review among them.

Enjoy. (Or skip this blog for a few days, if this sort of thing does not trip your proverbial trigger. [Honestly, where is the proverb that has a trigger in it?])

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