Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I Have a Secret

I have a secret. This is the good kind of secret. The kind that I will, eventually, get to share with people.

It's a strange anticipation. I don't normally have trouble keeping things quiet. Shoot, even things I'm allowed to tell people have trouble working through the faultlines in the mountain of trivia I have in my head, before fighting their way to the top of the pool of meaningless work-related flotsam and jetsam in which that trivial mountain is submerged.

This secret, however, is buoyant. I keep having to push it back down below the surface.

It's sort of like the week when I knew about Sarah & Troy's engagement but couldn't say anything. OK, it's not quite that good, but you get the picture.

It's a funny thing. I get some enjoyment out of keeping the secret. Yet, I think I'll get more out of letting it escape.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Congrats Grandpa!