Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Because not everyone is on Facebook

Back in March, I started putting my blog entries on Facebook. It was relatively easy to set up, but I didn't know how much value there would be.

Now that I have a good sized list of Facebook Friends, I suspect that more people read my blog via Facebook than by coming directly to this website.

Well, I'm still committed to writing the blog. [I've written almost 500 entries now!] And, since some readers might not be Facebook friends yet, you might not have seen the great photos of Sarah & Troy that Sherry posted. So, here are a couple of shots that I love, for the benefit of those who read me at my blog, and so that I have a permanent spot to come when I want to look back on that day and remember how happy Sarah was!

The wedding weekend was, as I said in Facebook, "Practically Perfect, in Every Way" --- weather, service, homily, music, family, friends, food, dancing. And, of course, the couple said their vows and were announced as "Troy and Sarah Kowalski" for the first time.

I have a married daughter! I have another son!

I will bask in the glow of this weekend for quite a while I think.


(If you're one of the Facebook readers, and you want to check out my blog directly, here's the URL: http://snippetsandwisps.blogspot.com/ Why would you want to do that? Hey, if you want to read my book reviews, my movie micro-reviews, or my thoughts about being a father, there's plenty of material. Plus, the images I embed show up so much better on the blog than they do when imported by Facebook.)

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