Friday, November 14, 2008

World Tour

Last night was Dude Night.

Eric purchased Guitar Hero: World Tour yesterday and brought it over for the six of us to play. What a blast!

Of course, before we set up the game, everyone (except your truly) said they couldn't sing, so they'd never use the microphone. By the end of the night, everyone had held the mic a time or two or more. People who claim not to be able to sing are often just embarrassed to try, but in the context of a game, with everyone jamming and not really being able to hear much, they do fine. And one of the funniest parts of the evening (and there were many funny parts) was when Don gave up on trying to do the real lyrics to a song and just sang "That's what she said" to everything.

The guitar and bass are hard, but playable. The drums are darn near impossible (for me) on some songs. But in the heat of a Dude Night, it's all good fun, and I tried everything. My voice is hoarse today. The Dudes thought they were "making" me sing more than I'd like. I felt like I might have been hogging the mic, I liked that so much better than the instruments.

Who knows when we're going to get the chance to play again, but last night's game was perfect for us. Loud. Raucous. Fun.

Let's do an encore!

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