Monday, November 17, 2008

If You Can't Say Something Nice...

That's where I am today. I had better just not say anything at all.

Or maybe I should focus on things I could say nice things about.

I heard some new Christmas music today: Faith Hill (I bought this) and Josh Groban (I heard this and should buy it, too.) Both very good. Groban was better, but they are both good.

Leah spent some time talking to us today. That was nice. 17-year-olds don't do that very often. Well, most of mine didn't anyway.

Sunshine! We had sunshine in November. Red-letter day.

Christmas plans are shaping up. Should be a fun stretch of days, with lots of visiting.

So, there, I found some good stuff to talk about. And I'll have more in my next edition of micro-reviews.

I just won't talk about work, or church, or sports.

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