Thursday, November 13, 2008

Monty and the Mentalist

Watched The Mentalist on Tuesday. This show just does everything right, for me. I love the main character. I love the supporting characters. I especially love the atypical (for a cop show) male cops. Love it.

Watched a couple Monty Python episodes Wednesday (the ladies are gone.) Saw "The Dirty Vicar Sketch" and "The Oscar Wilde Sketch." Hilarious. Saw "The Golden Age of Ballooning" which I suppose I've seen before, but this is episode 1 of the final series (Series 4), so maybe that series didn't gets as much repetition on PBS when I was a teen.

These days, I need escape, and these provide me the means. I could hole up in my house and not have to spend money for months to be entertained. Well, except to pay my electric bill. And my cable bill.

But then, I would be like a certain friend I have.

So I won't do that.

But it's tempting!

(Once Sherry is back, that is. Being a hermit by myself would not be good. Being a hermit couple -- I could get into that right now.)

Don't worry -- I'm sure my mood will improve.

In fact, I'll watch another Python right now. What's next?

"Michael Ellis." Hmmm. Doesn't ring a bell. Time to watch.

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