Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Trans-Siberian Mood

Today, I am listening to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra Christmas music Sarah and Troy got me.

When I got it initially, I thought I might only like to listen to it once or twice during a season. It's so much harder and louder than most of the Christmas music I normally listen to.

But I think a couple things have happened. First of all, I've played Guitar Hero and begun to appreciate instrumental rock more than I had before. This is a big deal, I think. While I've always had rather eclectic tastes in music, I've stayed away from most hard rock. Guitar Hero, of course, is full of hard rock. Appreciating the skill and musicality of those songs makes T-SO more accessible.

Second, I need loud and raucous right now. There are times I need calm (and there are a couple of calm T-SO songs) but there are times when I need to feel some banging between my ears. T-SO does that, and does it well!

So, thanks Sarah and Troy! You knew I'd like this stuff, and though it took a while to sink in, it's a great addition to my Christmas music collection.

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