Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Last night I became a Blackberry owner.

I know. I'm shocked too.

"Why would this shock me?" you might ask. "Don't you love tech toys?"

This is a good question, with a good point.

Here's the thing: in my experience, a Blackberry is used by people to stay in touch with work when they are not at work.

This, dear readers, does not fit the way I have lived my life to this point. To this point, when I leave work, it doesn't follow me home. [This, of course, is a general rule. I am a professional, so it's not possible for the rule to apply 100% of the time, but I've really been pretty good at keeping it.]

Now, I don't blog about work, but I will say that, over the last year, more and more work has followed me home. So, a Blackberry scares me. What if work finds it easier to follow me when I have this little device? Might I not get sucked in? Connected by a wireless umbilical? Chained by constant access to the never-ending e-mail stream?

Yes, it's a danger.

But! It has a browser! And, oh you don't know me very well if you don't know how much I will like having imdb at my fingertips.

Why, I might even start using Twitter again (as if anyone really cares to follow my daily life!)

Blog from my phone? Well, I'd have to get much better at that two-letters-per-button keypad, but it could happen.

I wish I had time to get it connected to my work calendar, at least. I can't tell you how many times I've wished I had a combined work/home calendar I could carry around with me. When I finally get a free day at work, I'll be trying to figure that out.

So, here I am. I've made another transition. I can now surf, text and IM from my phone. I can take a picture, or even capture video. I'm one of those people. I've been assimilated. And I don't even know how to use the thing yet, so I'm one of the least of the pod people.

God help me.

But it's so freaking cool!

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