Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dad & Son

On Sunday I got to do a "Dad & Son" thing. Doubled.

Adam (my son) had arranged for three tickets to the Vikings/Packers game for himself, me, and my dad. Lucas was unable to attend, so things were not completely perfect, but we did have three generations of Will men at the game. I was simultaneously a dad and a son.

My dad is one of those people who makes it a point to notice how lucky we are to have family near us, and to like our family so that we actually do things with them. I like the attitude, and as I become more experienced as the father of adults, my appreciation of the situation grows. And it's amazing how often it happens!

  • Last week, my brother and I went to the fantasy basketball draft with our dad.
  • Last night, Sherry and I went over to help Lucas & Lee with their broken garage door opener (it's going to need replacing) and then they showed us a new video game (Little Big Planet) that he likes a lot. (I can see why!)
  • Over the weekend my sister and her family came down for the weekend, and we saw them and my brother's family for bowling and eating and Leah's pop choir show.

Living this close to my family, wanting to see them, and enjoying it when I do: priceless. That, folks, is a blessing.

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