Tuesday, October 21, 2008

WoW? Me?

Mike is now a World of Warcraft player, and he's excited.

My sons have both spent a good deal of time playing WoW, and though they've played more than their mom might think is healthy, they didn't get as sucked in as a couple of their friends, and have broken away now.

I've avoided the game largely because I know how addictive it can be, and I know that a monthly charge is likely to entice me to play often enough to make it "worth it."

But now, Mike is playing. So, perhaps, over vacation I will try the 10-day trial. We'd certainly have fun playing together.

I feel like I'm on a precipice.

Is it a cliff, or the top of a roller coaster?


Anonymous said...

Which realm is Mike playing?

Michael Hacker said...

Here's a game to figure it out....

King Arthur's dad....

He pounded 95 theses on the door of Wittemburg Cathedral. But he's also "elless"